Thursday, November 5, 2009

Do the Papaya

Aside from being surprised, I never thought that a Papaya tree which is just 3ft high can bear fruits. Do you know that Papaya fruits are good sources of Vitamin A, B and C.

Aside from the food uses, Papaya produces latex which contains "Papain" which is used for ingredient in some chewing gums, cleansing lotions, facial creams, toothpastes and many more..

By the way in some parts of the world especially Australia, it is known as papaw, or pawpaw.


Joanne Olivieri November 7, 2009 at 3:18 AM  

I love papaya but never knew all the benefits. This is a great photo.

ramica November 8, 2009 at 3:04 PM  

i never know that a papaya like this, can bearalready a fruit

Clint November 21, 2009 at 1:50 AM  

I love to eat Papaya but they are very hard to cut and keep together.

I've of course never had a fresh one like the ones in the photo,I'm sure they are great when fresh

Great Picture.

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